UH Manoa Music Complex Acoustical Analysis & Remediation

For the MUSIC COMPLEX ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS & REMEDIATION project, CDS was retained to conduct a facility evaluation and acoustical analysis to identify improvements needed to bring instrumental and choral rehearsal rooms, and 12 smaller practice rooms, at the University of Hawaii Manoa Campus’s Music Complex (adjacent to Orvis Auditorium) into acoustical compliance with National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) standards. Following the study and development of associated cost estimates, complete design and contract documents were authorized, followed by bidding and construction phase services.

To create a “bright” sound, desired for the instrumental rehearsal room, the old carpeting was removed and the original 1958 concrete floors polished. The existing ceiling was replaced by acoustical “clouds.” Acoustical wall treatments were updated and lighting and air conditioning improved. The choral room and small practice rooms were also upgraded.

Completion date: 2017 Cost: $1,546,600